What if you could get more time by slowing down the aging process?

What Is NAD+?

Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide, more commonly referred to as NAD+, is found in every cell in the body and is essential to life. NAD+ is an essential coenzyme of vitamin B3 (niacin) that promotes cellular regeneration and regulates how quickly our cells age. It is also involved in the conversion of cellular energy. Studies have found that replenishing cellular levels of NAD+, like via intravenous treatment, can repair DNA, protect brain cells from damage, and reduce inflammation and turn on enzymes that help prevent aging.

By activating enzymes called “sirtuins” via intravenous NAD+ directly into your bloodstream, it helps you control your “good genes” in ways that promote healthy aging. In fact, by the time we reach 45 years old, we already have 50% less NAD+ than we did when we were 25.

With 100% intravenous absorption, NAD+ works rapidly to repair cells throughout the body and neurons in the brain. There are over 5,000 different biochemical reactions throughout our bodies and enzymes like NAD+ participate in more reactions than any other vitamin-derived molecule. That’s a huge job for just one enzyme and a humbling new perspective about work.

Why NAD+?

The NAD+ is considered a “miracle molecule” and can help repair cells throughout the body, including neurons in the brain. It is used to power metabolism by enabling the mitochondria—the ‘power stations’ of the cell to convert the food we eat into the energy our body needs to sustain all its functions.

Our bodies naturally produce NAD+, but it has been observed to decline with age, hindering the natural repair mechanisms within our cells. So, if you can increase the levels of NAD+ in your body, you may be able to stay healthy longer. By replenishing cells with NAD+, you are also activating the restorative enzymes involved in regulating inflammation.

There are numerous therapeutic benefits from intravenous NAD+ therapy for anti-aging. Patients who have participated in NAD+ Therapy reported increased energy, mental clarity, focus and concentration, improved mood, memory, eyesight, and hearing, as well as decreased pain and withdrawal symptoms from hard drugs and alcohol.

Some would even go as far as to call intravenous NAD+ a miracle detox. With proper IV treatment, it can serve as a catalyst in ultimate brain renovation, allowing us to mentally reach higher than ever before. It is also known to alleviate drug dependency through the renovation of opiate receptors. When administered in conjunction with other forms of substance abuse recovery treatments, studies have shown it helps eliminate cravings.

Who Needs NAD+?

There are many uses of NAD+, and for this reason, people who suffer from different health complications can use the NAD IV therapy. There’s no age limit to the usage of NAD+. Some of the individuals NAD+ help are:

– People who want to reduce the rate at which they age and also extend their lifespan
– People who want an increase in their energy level and also those who want to reduce fatigue
– People looking to restore the strength of their muscles and the functions
– People experiencing a decline in cognitive functions
– People looking to increase their weight-loss regimens
– People interested in restoring their neurological function
– People suffering from psychological conditions such as depression and anxiety
– People suffering from drug and substance abuse
– People suffering from alcohol abuse

How Is NAD+ Administered?

NAD+ is administered via intramuscular (IM) injection or slow intravenous (IV) infusion directly into the bloodstream. This way, the NAD+ bypasses the stomach and goes straight to the brain to begin the healing and repair process. NAD+ therapy administered intravenously delivers a significantly higher dose with 100% bio-absorption, allowing it to be profoundly more powerful and even cross the blood-brain barrier.

What Are the Risks and Benefits of NAD+?

Benefits of NAD IV Therapy:

– An improvement in memory
– Increased focus and concentration
– Mood booster
– Increase in neurological function and brain health
– Increased brain regeneration
– An improvement in mental clarity

It is used to treat addiction by helping to flush out any drug remaining in the system. It stops the craving for the substances and reduces the pain of withdrawal. This aesthetic treatment assists in making physical and mental recovery much easier and also allows the body to produce natural energy with boosts like caffeine or sugar.
NAD+ comes with very low risk, as it is found in every cell in the body. However, some side effects experienced during administration are nausea, headaches, fatigue, stomach discomfort, and indigestion.

The importance of health and how to live a healthier life is essential now more than ever.

If you want to know more about NAD+, please give us a call today.

If you are ready to begin your NAD+ Therapy experience, we are ready to help you administer the right dosages to achieve your goals and obtain optimal outcomes.