
Booster Shots

Boost up your system, feel energized, build immunity and more with our weekly booster shots

booster shots

Amino Blend $35

Glutamine, Ornithine, Arginine, Lysine, Citrulline & Carnitine. The combination of these ingredients and the roles they play may aid the body in Protein metabolism, Anti-catabolism (prevents breakdown of muscle), Increased vitality, Fat metabolism and energy, Performance recovery time, Muscle building & more...

booster shots

Mineral Blend $45

Magnesium CL, Zinc, Manganese, Copper & Selenium.
These ingredients may aid the body in Higher function of nervous system, behavior, memory, and learning, Immune defense + function Combating infections and wound healing, Cognitive function, Fertility in both men and women and more....

booster shots

Vitamin B12 $35

booster shots

Vitamin C $35

Ascorbic Acid also known as Vitamin C, is a powerful Antioxidant that plays an important role in the body. This high concentration of Ascorbic is the ultimate immune system enhancer designed to help maintain a healthy immune response

booster shots

Vitamin D $35

booster shots

Glutathione $50

Our bodies quintessential antioxidant defense is the glutathione system, which includes glutathione itself, along with the enzymes and other proteins that enable glutathione to do its work. It Protects cells from free radical damage, Improves cellular function, Aids in recovery process, Acts as a universal toxin-binder.

booster shots

Biotin $35